✨About me✨



Hi, My name is Tammi I am the owner and operator of The Mad Tea Party Shop. I love all things crystals, astrology, animals and Jewelry. I am a Registered Veterinary Technician working in Emergency Critical and Anesthesia. I started The Mad Tea Party Shop in February of 2022 selling Crystals via Instagram Live Sales, my love for crystals inspired me to start my business.

A little less than a year into this journey of self healing, self love and entrepreneurship I discovered Moldavite, and soon after purchased my very first piece. I was so connected to it and wanted to find a way to carry it on me at all times. I came across wire wrapped Jewelry and decided to try to wrap my Moldavite into a pendant I can always wear. Many wire wrapping rabbit holes later I purchased some supplies and wrapped my very first pendant. It was never my intention to try to incorporate wire wrapping into my business, but once I began wire wrapping there was no stopping. I discovered how much I enjoyed making wire wrapped pieces and have always been a huge jewelry lover! I began purchasing beautiful cabachons and slowly incorporating the pieces I made into my live sales, and people loved them as much as I did!!! I have been wire wrapping for over a year and have loved every minute of it and have been working hard on becoming a better jewlery maker.

I still love crystals and will occasionally sell them, but my true passion is making jewelry! I enjoy meeting new people along the way and I especially love getting to know each and everyone of my customers by developing connections and working together to create the perfect custom jewelry piece!

Click this link to follow me across my socials for fun sneak peeks, special perks and to follow me along all this The Mad Tea Party Shop!